Lupine Plaza Reimagined

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Consultation has concluded

At the June 22, 2023, City Council Meeting, direction was given to City staff to modify Lupine Plaza's preferred design concept from a full street closure to a "slow street / flexible plaza" concept. This update will ensure the space best suits the needs of our community members and businesses. Click here to view the City Council meeting presentation on Lupine Plaza, and check return to this page for future updates as the project develops. If you're interested in viewing the former preferred design concept, a full street closure, please click here.

Updated design concepts will be discussed at a community meeting on Tuesday, February 13, at the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce at 5:30 p.m. Stop by and share your thoughts and ideas about the project.

Click here for current conceptual designs: Lupine Lane Slow Street Concept.

History of the Lupine Plaza Project

Opened in autumn 2020 temporarily to support local restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lupine Plaza became a dining destination consisting of colorful umbrellas, string lights, landscaping, tables, and chairs. The City of Palm Desert is considering making Lupine Plaza a permanent feature for shoppers along El Paseo.

The City convened a sub-committee that includes representation from the City Council, adjacent property owners, and members of various City committees and commissions for feedback on this project, but the City continues to want public input on this project. Please use the tools below to share your ideas, thoughts, or questions about Lupine Plaza.

Past Meetings & Community Workshops

Community Open House - Conceptual Design Update: February 13, 2024

  • Members of the public and merchants from the El Paseo shopping district provided feedback on three conceptual designs.
  • Click here to view these conceptual designs.

Update of Design to Slow Street Concept: June 22, 2023

  • City Council provided direction to update the preferred design concept from a full street closure to a "slow street / flexible plaza."
  • Click here to view the Council presentation and discussion on this topic.

Approval of Full Closure Concept: April 14, 2022

  • Palm Desert City Council discussed and approved the Lupine Plaza Concept Design Study Final Report. Please use this link to review the design (this design concept was updated at the 6/22/2023 City Council Meeting to a "slow street / flexible plaza" format).
  • To view the 4/14//2022 presentation on Lupine Plaza, please click here.

Updated Design: March 10, 2022

  • The Palm Desert City Council met for a Study Session regarding the conceptual design for creating a permanent Lupine Plaza just south of El Paseo.
  • View a recording of the Study Session by clicking here.

Lupine Plaza Community Meeting Recording: February 15, 2022

  • A community workshop was held to provide more information on the project, a summary of feedback from the first Workshop, ask for input regarding initial concept designs, and present the project's next steps.
  • To watch this workshop, please click here.

Share Your Feedback

Your input is essential to the success of this project. Use the tools below to contribute your feedback. These tools allow you to:

  • Post your ideas about the project. This helps City staff determine the needs of the community.
  • Send questions directly to City employees. Staff will respond within two business days.

At the June 22, 2023, City Council Meeting, direction was given to City staff to modify Lupine Plaza's preferred design concept from a full street closure to a "slow street / flexible plaza" concept. This update will ensure the space best suits the needs of our community members and businesses. Click here to view the City Council meeting presentation on Lupine Plaza, and check return to this page for future updates as the project develops. If you're interested in viewing the former preferred design concept, a full street closure, please click here.

Updated design concepts will be discussed at a community meeting on Tuesday, February 13, at the Palm Desert Area Chamber of Commerce at 5:30 p.m. Stop by and share your thoughts and ideas about the project.

Click here for current conceptual designs: Lupine Lane Slow Street Concept.

History of the Lupine Plaza Project

Opened in autumn 2020 temporarily to support local restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic, Lupine Plaza became a dining destination consisting of colorful umbrellas, string lights, landscaping, tables, and chairs. The City of Palm Desert is considering making Lupine Plaza a permanent feature for shoppers along El Paseo.

The City convened a sub-committee that includes representation from the City Council, adjacent property owners, and members of various City committees and commissions for feedback on this project, but the City continues to want public input on this project. Please use the tools below to share your ideas, thoughts, or questions about Lupine Plaza.

Past Meetings & Community Workshops

Community Open House - Conceptual Design Update: February 13, 2024

  • Members of the public and merchants from the El Paseo shopping district provided feedback on three conceptual designs.
  • Click here to view these conceptual designs.

Update of Design to Slow Street Concept: June 22, 2023

  • City Council provided direction to update the preferred design concept from a full street closure to a "slow street / flexible plaza."
  • Click here to view the Council presentation and discussion on this topic.

Approval of Full Closure Concept: April 14, 2022

  • Palm Desert City Council discussed and approved the Lupine Plaza Concept Design Study Final Report. Please use this link to review the design (this design concept was updated at the 6/22/2023 City Council Meeting to a "slow street / flexible plaza" format).
  • To view the 4/14//2022 presentation on Lupine Plaza, please click here.

Updated Design: March 10, 2022

  • The Palm Desert City Council met for a Study Session regarding the conceptual design for creating a permanent Lupine Plaza just south of El Paseo.
  • View a recording of the Study Session by clicking here.

Lupine Plaza Community Meeting Recording: February 15, 2022

  • A community workshop was held to provide more information on the project, a summary of feedback from the first Workshop, ask for input regarding initial concept designs, and present the project's next steps.
  • To watch this workshop, please click here.

Share Your Feedback

Your input is essential to the success of this project. Use the tools below to contribute your feedback. These tools allow you to:

  • Post your ideas about the project. This helps City staff determine the needs of the community.
  • Send questions directly to City employees. Staff will respond within two business days.